Thursday, November 27, 2008


Bin Laden, Pirating and Somalia. Connection?
Is Osama Bin Laden using some old connections to get out of Pakistan? Far fetched you may think but get to know your history before you say no chance. When Russia invaded Afghanistan, Bin Laden helped the Mujahadeen (7 known splinter groups) by recruiting fellow Muslim freedom fighters from around the globe. Our intel concluded 44 different Countries had people volunteer, mostly Middle East and North Africa, and yes, including Somalia.Bin Laden also owned a type of Travel Agency with a business partner (he had him killed in 89). This Travel Agency was for the sole purpose of transporting these volunteers into the area. Maktab Alkida mat was the name of the Agency. As you can see, Al Qeada was part of this name in a sense. This Agency was started in 1981 or 82 depending on which intel you see.Bin Laden was able to use his wealth to invest in shipping for the transportation. One route would pick people up by starting in Tanzania and going up thru Somalia, the Gulf of Aden, past Oman and right to Karachi Pakistan, home of the World Islamic Council, which by the way was funded and created in 1949 with the help of Saudi Arabia.Look at Somalia today and you see a destablized governement where in many parts they are trying to instill Suria law just like the Taliban likes. Look at the Pirate activity and their ability to use mother ships for reaching out. Add in the sudden increase in this activity, could it be a distraction for all the Navies in the area? Now throw in the closing of supply routes thru Pakistan lately for ease of movement. Don't forget the possibility of bribes for some people in Pakistan to look the other way while he slips into a small pleasure boat or fishing boat to get out to Sea and board a larger vessel, which of course would not be one used for Pirating.Do you still think this is far fetched? Want more? Let me know your opinion by posting your comments. Let's see where we get Bin Laden and Aymen Al-Zawahiri and maybe even Mullah Omar and who breaks the story.
Posted by Maynard the Bookwriter at 5:14 PM 7 comments Links to this post


Time for new Political discussions and discourse.
POLITICS ANYONE?Have you grown tired of the mainstream media and their one sided opinions? Tune in here and click on the comments to offer your own opinions about America and the directions we should be going. Offer any opinion without being slandered by those who disagree. When Maynard finds the rude people he just simply warns them once and kicks them out forever the next time. I don't care if your on the right or left, we are all Great Americans. If you live in another part of the World that's great too, let us know what your opinions are. We all live in the greatest planet I know of so let's here it. I have friends and relatives in many parts of the World so let's have fun. Be kind when you respectfully disagree with someone though. Local ideas or at the State level. National ideas or even opinions about the World, it's all good, Thanks.
Posted by Maynard the Bookwriter at 2:01 PM 6 comments Links to this post


Write me a "Comment" and let me know if you would like to see it as the "New Topic." This is your chance to choose a topic about anything you would like as long as it's clean. Don't be shy, there is no slander of one another here.Once you pick a topic of your choice you can let all your friends know about it and they can tune in and comment on your idea too. If you get enough comments on your topic then we can even do more, maybe a full page for free right here, Thanks.
Posted by Maynard the Bookwriter at 11:11 AM 0 comments Links to this post


Click on the "Comment" link below to read or add something funny. Politics, current events or even some good old internet humor. Consider this a free for all for everday comedy. Please, nothing too rauncy, I would hate to edit anyones work. Tune in and laugh on, Thanks.
Posted by Maynard the Bookwriter at 6:41 AM 3 comments Links to this post

Too much clan recruitment on the net?

Too much clan recruitment on the net?
How the KKK, Neo Nazis, Skinheads, Aryin Brotherhood and McVeigh loyalists recruit on the netThere has been many hate groups recruiting on the net recently. The skinheads who plotted against Obama. The girl killed for wanting to leave the Clan rally. 2,000 new recruits the day after the election. It's time for this great Country to rid ourselves of hatred which seems to grow lately.
Posted by Maynard the Bookwriter at 11:08 AM 5 comments Links to this post